Arduino Coding - Tech W4

In our week 4 tech workshop, we were provided with advice and how best to test your code and your inputs as a result. 

  • For auto formatting – Ctrl + T
  • Signal testing, wiring input > need more than just power, basic circuit in slides
  • Multimeter > can test if circuit is complete
  • Serial monitor to display serial functions
  • Serial print to check if its running correctly and can use to get range etc
  • Next step to test what’s happening
  • Test each input at a time, set up one and test that so you know its working, so you can start figuring out what’s wrong
  • Versioning code extremely important
  • Using fault testing tools to detect things
  • Start from base and then do trial and error to tweak the code already there for your purpose

 It's important to note that our wiring diagram must be as good as perfect or our code won’t work without it.

A trigger, what a switch could be…could use time of day as an event…and they have a trigger event system

To code and figure things out, we were advised to do the following;

  • Work on conditions…if something else this…than what happens
  • Talk through the events…stage through a complex interaction…to show what happens when it does this and is triggered…
  • Capturing the essence
  • Using an approximation of the experience…to demonstrate how the product works and your interaction…gestural interaction needs to be shown…if series of events go through the smoking mirrors one etc.
  • Using a microphone to detect breathing…someone had anxiety e.g.
  • A load sensor to detect chest expansion
  • Can detect breath when loud breathing…
  • Check inputs and variables

After taking to my Tutor for some advice about my inputs for A1 Tech Task, I finally have a strong idea of what my inputs will be;

  • Sensor, Vibration motor, sound
  • Rfid chip for each individual

In class, as an exercise to start thinking how I will prototype my idea, I played around with the code to play the buzzer. The video below shows my outcome.


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