Arduino Coding - Tech W4
In our week 4 tech workshop, we were provided with advice and how best to test your code and your inputs as a result.
- For auto formatting – Ctrl + T
- Signal testing, wiring input > need more than just power, basic circuit in slides
- Multimeter > can test if circuit is complete
- Serial monitor to display serial functions
- Serial print to check if its running correctly and can use to get range etc
- Next step to test what’s happening
- Test each input at a time, set up one and test that so you know its working, so you can start figuring out what’s wrong
- Versioning code extremely important
- Using fault testing tools to detect things
- Start from base and then do trial and error to tweak the code already there for your purpose
A trigger, what a switch could
be…could use time of day as an event…and they have a trigger event system
- Work on conditions…if something else this…than what happens
- Talk through the events…stage through a complex interaction…to show what happens when it does this and is triggered…
- Capturing the essence
- Using an approximation of the experience…to demonstrate how the product works and your interaction…gestural interaction needs to be shown…if series of events go through the smoking mirrors one etc.
- Using a microphone to detect breathing…someone had anxiety e.g.
- A load sensor to detect chest expansion
- Can detect breath when loud breathing…
- Check inputs and variables
After taking to my Tutor for some advice about my inputs for A1 Tech Task, I finally have a strong idea of what my inputs will be;
- Sensor, Vibration motor, sound
- Rfid chip for each individual
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