User Interview (2)

User Interview with Steve

Another interview was conducted with Steve from Spinal Life Australia. This interview was done in joint collaboration with Ellie McBain and her group that is also focusing on theme 1; Assistive Devices. 

Steve is a T4 paraplegic. This means he can't feel from the chest down.

The interview with Steve provided us with many insightful key points and numerous opportunities:

  • Steve uses a manual chair and will only use a power chair when he has to. If he can, Steve would like to be as independent as he can be and would prefer to not have to use a powered wheelchair at all.
  • Balance was a ket factor that Steve mentioned was something he had to get used and was quite difficult due to his height. 
  • The shower chair is an inconvenience, its bulky and "looks like its been designed for the last century"
  • Where he can Steve tries to "only go down hill"
  • It's quite easy for him to transfer
  • The bathroom routine isn't a pleasant situation but is just "something that has to be done"
  • When doing something, Steve judges whether or not it's worth it by trying to balance the convenienve of it against the fun. If its more enjoyable he'll do it but if it is going to be inconvenient he won't do it
  • Steve mentioned how impractical the Terrain wheelchairs are and how they aren't worth it due to the fact you would have to get a trailer, depend on other people to help hook it up and hook it down etc
  • Steve mentioned that he was in the hospital from 9 to 5 everyday but the weekends during his recovery after the accident
  • Steve has been scuba diving both as a paraplegic and before the accident. He mentioned how important soft material is, and that he used glove flippers to move in the water. 
  • "They weren't as effective as normal flippers but they were still really good"
  • When travelling, the shower chair is extremely inconvenient for Steve


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