Mid-Break.2 - Recommended Readings (5)
DNH603 Recommended Reading
The next reading to be is 1. Interaction Design - brief intro by Jonas Löwgren (https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/book/the-encyclopedia-of-human-computer-interaction-2nd-ed/interaction-design-brief-intro).
Notes from Webpage;
- interaction - equivalent of ID but in software, the needs and desires to give lasting satisfaction and enjoyment
- it began to ultilize asethetic qualities of use
- to shape digital things for usage...for people - this idea brings a new meaning to modifying/making modifcations or improving already existing design. I find that as I continue wokring on my A3 product that I'm not creating something new but creating an attachment to improve whats already there through both product and digital things
- its about transformation, change - using user studies to find the opportunities and design for possible futures...
- the problems - are we can find the opportunities and hence design for a solution, this can also open up new problems that haven't been considered unitl further in the design process
- Constant thinking - In my recent posts I have been very indecisive, even now while I work on the monitoring device and band I still am not sure what Im doing is needed...will it actually solve the issue, the problem I identified?? - I come up with more ideas, different ways to go about it...but I always come back to this question...is it needed? will they use it?
- From this reading, maybe my thinking should be broader, not just low-fi sketching but more in depth analysis of the design and how it fits within the context
- "the notion of sketching is more about the mindset of the designer than about the medium used." - this quote I find to be too true. I have spent more days in my head designing - I haven't come to firm conclusion that pleases me so I am constantly strugglying against making more decisions as I progress in my design
- "users are whole people with complex sensibilities" - more thought and consideration in my design needs to be on my users...but I also need to back away a bit as I have began to focus on one user in my head and her particular needs...
- User experience will impact the design - dictate its direction and use
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