Mid-Break.4 - Recommended Reading (6)

 DNH603 Recommended Reading 

The next reading to be is The Strategic Arc of Interaction Design: Moving Towards Holistic System Design, by Steve Baty by Core Jr (3rd of August, 2010) (https://www.core77.com/posts/17064/the-strategic-arc-of-interaction-design-moving-towards-holistic-system-design-by-steve-baty-17064).

(picture is from reading)

Notes from Webpage;

  • design - systems, organisational and culture - for lasting change
  • "maps to the participants' end-to-end engagement with a product-service system" - success of simple design depends upon this practice 
  • different situations will change the users approaches to products - this shouldn't change the outcome
  • "We also need to acknowledge that products and services are utilised by people differently—at different times, at different volumes, in different places."
  • ecosystems - how one things fits in with the rest
  • need to think about beginning and end
  • the users and needs and desires with products will be different, will change their expectations
  • "participants are situated in a context which influences their actions and perceptions" - how the product fits in the context must be considered...
  • "The designer has a responsibility to draw out the implications of that design for the organisation beyond the point of interaction; to look at the supporting infrastructure, physical artefacts, and organisational culture..."
  • all these factors must be considered to create a workable product etc
  • this will overlap with marketing and communications - collaborate with ID, with ergonomics for physical objects...disciplines work together as their work influences each other
  • If a key aspect of the design is missed the result will be poor take in the service/product and a negative reaction...this is shown by the example of the public bicycle sharing scheme in Melbourne Australia....they didn't include helmets
  • "there are always broader considerations, once-removed, deserving of notice. "
  • to design fro broader considerations - to control the design decisions and to consider more "strategic contributions to the design of each interaction, the system as a whole, and the experience for which we are aiming"


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