Week 12.4 - A3 Coding

 A3 Coding - Wasn't on the right track but now I hopefully am

Coding for this has been a nightmare.

The good news is that I finally got the LED light working, where I can turn it on and off with the remote thanks to the help of another collegue. The video below shows that achivement.

The bad news is that instead of trying to use the infrared led senders and transmitters that I have, I have been strongly advised to switch and insteead buy beam breakers, which I found and orderded today cause trusty Jaycar don't have it.

Though good news as well is that the display screen works! The video below shows me using code from this website: https://lastminuteengineers.com/oled-display-arduino-tutorial/

The website was a massive help and explained each component of the code, so I understood it and know how to covert and adapt what I need into my final A3 code.


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