
Showing posts from July, 2020

Arduino Coding - Tech W2

In our second workshop for Arduino, it was about the coding side of things and how to correctly write it as well as the different codes and functions that can be used. Variables and constants Void setup(), void loop() x() If, else if, while, for statements Always comment your code!!! No exceptions // comments start with ‘//’ You can write anything in a comm e nt {} are not () are not [] Commands need to be closed with ‘;’ A nalog (wave) vs digital (squared wave) Analog inputs, analog inputs vary from 0-1023 E.g. analogRead(potPin); //analog reads the potentiometer position D igital inputs/outputs has only two states D igital inputs/outputs: 0-1,LOW-HIGH digitalRead(buttonPin); //reads the button state digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); //turns the LED on D igital PMW outputs; 0-255 analogWrite(ledPin, 200); //turns the LED on a specific brightness General order of code //constant integers (whole numbers) const int name = x, //this creates an integer called ‘name’ with a constant value of ‘x’ ...

Potential Directions - A2 Theme 1

To help with research and narrow down our focus for A2 and our chosen theme 1; Assistive Device, a quick brainstorm was made to see potential directions. The brainstorms shows target audiences for our assistive device. As it's only the beginning, we did wanted to keep our options open and general yet have a bit more of a focal point. Hence, from our discussions in Monday class, it was decided that we would follow the wheelchair user direction and focus our primary research on people who are in wheelchairs as a result of  a spinal injury/ies. 

Theme Decided

For A2 Research assessment, after our second meeting, my design team decided to focus on Theme 1; Assistive Device. This meant we were researching into interactive products that enhance daily life experiences for people with spinal injuries.   By choosing this theme, we also had access to Spinal Life Australia staff who have again made themselves available for consultation.

First Arduino Experiment

In our first Tech workshop, we were officially introduced to Arduino. What? Open source electronics Why? User interaction to test interactions and receive feedback Allows hands on interaction and be able to give an electric engineer for e.g. an idea down the track About taking more steps to build your product Can do temperature example, take in one input like temperature Project examples on Arduino website like colour detection Another e.g. window painting robot There’s no limit to what you can do with Arduino Exercise encouragement via automated BB gun Can use it for a lot of medical solutions, e.g. fall detection Carls’ project – Rowing Glove, worked with injury prevention and rehabilitation during rowing with mobility tracking James project – CPR Training device – guides users through CPR using basic inputs and outputs Board Basics -  Arduino Setup Power and ground pins (3.3V, 5V GND GND Vin) Important to know which volts your project runs on, majority is 5V Eception3.3V Recomme...

Introduction to Assessment

Unit Assessment Research and Tech task (A1 and A2) must be worked on at the same time Slides for research report – Anton style Online DDR, A2+A3 = design blog Assessed and must post frequency, at least 2x week, quality relevance and insight Personal design blog, can use Instagram but not recommended…  Experience focus than coding… Coding at high level is about adapting…you are borrowing concepts to make a new design Think of it everyday learning…  Prototype, a simulation of the experience, how you can achieve the experience with the technology you have Its about using simple componentry to express your idea

Introduction to DHH603

First Studio Session - What is Interative design and Tangible interaction? Video of an example of a interactive product; Keyboard stairs to encourage walking up the stairs instead of the escalator – old video The concept of using the fun theory to change things People interact with the world in positive words Digital interface to shape the users experience to enhance product success embedded, intrinsic interaction Need to see percentile measurements of men and women Focus on experience Design of people’s experience with technology Fast paced life, online connectedness Object connectedness, mobile solutions The quantified self The internet of things – label connections between objects Monitoring of people etc How can we apply emerging technologies to design World deepest Rubbish bin noise, Volkswagen ad Get more people put things in the bin Sensors in the bin, moving or impact sensor Tangible interaction, they’re physically doing something (putting rubbish in the bin) Mental model famil...