Introduction to DHH603
First Studio Session - What is Interative design and Tangible interaction?
- Video of an example of a interactive product; Keyboard stairs to encourage walking up the stairs instead of the escalator – old video
- The concept of using the fun theory to change things
- People interact with the world in positive words
- Digital interface to shape the users experience to enhance product success embedded, intrinsic interaction
- Need to see percentile measurements of men and women
- Focus on experience
- Design of people’s experience with technology
- Fast paced life, online connectedness
- Object connectedness, mobile solutions
- The quantified self
- The internet of things – label connections between objects
- Monitoring of people etc
- How can we apply emerging technologies to design
- World deepest Rubbish bin noise, Volkswagen ad
- Get more people put things in the bin
- Sensors in the bin, moving or impact sensor
- Tangible interaction, they’re physically doing something (putting rubbish in the bin)
- Mental model familiarity route action = knowledge
- Mental model is from observations of how people behave
- Routine action provides knowledge on how bins behave
- Designs take familiar routine action and are adjusted to human behaviour to make it more attractive
- Interactions, expectation, public environments
- Understanding context and social awareness
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