Recommended Readings (3)

DNH603 Recommended Reading 

The next reading to be is A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design by Bret Victor (

Notes from Webpage;

  • Productivity Future Vision - interactions with touch surfaces, books, top surfaces etc
  • the video vision isn't visionary - doesn't have a vision 
  • "a group of inspired people is the most powerful force in the world"
  • adressing human needs > human capabilities 
  • can do and want to do - design for both
  • human capabilites have been neglected, to design to be used by a person need to know and look and what they can do, what they are currently doing
  • from video > hands to interact, to feel, to manipulate, mould etc.
  • hands interacting with a book, the familiarity of it, flicking through, weight of the book, changing page vs two page > you know things cause you do it
  • drinking water from glass > can feel weight in hand, know how much is left...object responds in your hand due to the movement, the interaction
  • on the other hand (see what I did there) the technology device, say the ipad, doesn't feel familiar, your fingers don't know how to interact. The surface is glassy, there is "no connection"
  • there is no tactility
  • what's natural to us in our world? what do we do with our hands everyday? how do we interact with objects naturally? 
  • "our fingers have an incredibly rich and expressive repertoire" types of gribs and how our hands naturally hold them
  • "dynamic medium that we can see, feel, and manipulate"
  • not just hands, but arms, feet, torso, legs, your whole body is a canvas to interact with. what does your body know and do? how does one part do something? what can it do?

(All pictures are from the reading)


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