Week 10.2 - A3 Form Inspiration from the Juicero

Trying to visualise what my product would look like, the form is would follow and how the practical functions would be in use is quite difficult.

Through talking to collegues, I was directed to the Juicero, a failure of a product that cose $400. If you haven't heard it, the juciero presented an expensive way to squeeze juice out of a bag. An extremely expensice. I think this quote from the periodical article, 'Silicon Valley’s $400 Juicer May Be Feeling the Squeeze' by Ellen Huet and Olivia Zaleski on the 19 April 2017;

"...after the product hit the market, some investors were surprised to discover a much cheaper alternative: You can squeeze the Juicero bags with your bare hands."

Anyway, while the product was ultimately crap, the form and asethetic look of it wasn't. I feel inspired by looking at its shape and can actually see how you may use this Juicero to drain a catheter or colostomy bag...you place it inside instead of the juice, and you can empty it in the toilet through a nozzel instead of a glass. 

It's a bit of a complete 180 on it's original purpose but I guess they're both draining things from a bag...

Ultimately, while the product is a fail it has its usages.



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