Mid-Break.5 - Recommended Reading (7)

 DNH603 Recommended Reading 

The next reading to be is ‘User Inyerface’ teaches you about terrible modern web design by making you suffer through it by Chaim Gartenberg (3rd of July, 2019) (https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2019/7/3/20681538/user-inyerface-terrible-modern-web-design-app-forms-fields).

(picture is from reading)

Notes from Webpage;

  • User interface with design is incredibly important - part of my design involves having a simple interface where the user can receive simple notfications to keep communicate need for action...when needed
  • With apps and websites, it's very noticeable when there is bad interfaces...especially (like the picture above) when you get pop-up spams it can be "virtual hell." - very negative feeling
  • The reading shows how Bagaar (a design firm), explores the worst online form - this is good to know and it shows you what not to do and what is hated, what to avoid
  • Things like "mislabeled buttons, complicated password rules, nearly impossible to close pop-up windows, slowly scrolling terms and conditions, and annoying CAPTCHA forms" are things that induce rage and hate.
  • The reading explains how Bagaar uses the app/game to show how close to reality it is...what induces rage is types of services we get

  • This reading gives me something to think about and while Im not designing a service, for my users, this horrible service and bad user interface is something they have all experienced at least once in reality...


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