Week 12.1 - Recommended Reading (9)
DNH603 Recommended Reading
The next reading to be is Interaction Design Sketchbook by Bill Verplank (December, 2009) (http://www.billverplank.com/IxDSketchBook.pdf).
(picture is from reading)
Notes from Webpage;
- Sketches are used to capture, they're the first step of design (though research tends to be the first)
- craft is 'direct engagement with the materials' - studios to make, to learn by doing
- 'Interaction Design is design for people – design for human use.'
- sketches are for observations and ideas - to create physical thoughts
- brainstorming to rapidly think and eliminate ideas - its express
- alternatives during the iteration process must be considered - to challenge the design and think and create for all aspects
- 'The end-goal is principles, which organize the value of a product which creates a market which creates a paradigm and we are back to a fixed orbit'
- the design should answer the following questions; How do you do? How do you feel? and how do you know?
- to answer these questions, the design must show a clear system of how these addresses - this would go back to the attention, status and feedback
- 'A conscious consideration of what we are expecting of the people for whom we are designing is essential.' - user research was important and its to understand the user and their values, going back to users to ensure you design a product etc that they will use/need
- how is the A3 product I'm designing going to address a problem they have?
- more than one path to interact - while you can design for intuition, there may be more tham one way to go about things and what may be straightforward for you may not be for others
- 'Good interactions are the appropriate styles of doing, feeling and knowing plus the freedom to move from one to the other.'
- success - balance concerns using methods etc, to have clear instructions
- 'result of an interaction design is displays and controls and the behaviors that connect them (mappings).' - the flowchart for A3 would show how the mapping, options etc, consideration of scenarios, different
- use metaphors with interactions - show meaning but also may help in user understanding of product
- sensory extensions - thought and design around things that come between the product , the environment and how it affects the design - this could be the phone, media, physical surrondings
- e.g. 'electronics are extensions of our senses (media)'
- computers are being defined as different things, they're being used as metaphors for fashion, vehicles, life...platforms for media and different tools to accomplish things
- interaction separated things into wearables, environment
- there's different interfaces, TUI, GUI, TIY
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