Week 12.6 - Refining Design

I've 3D printed off a couple of watch/band covers and have laser cut the watch strap in parts as is seen in previous posts. I'm quiet happy with the fit but the size (which I have made to fit the Adafruit display screen I bought from Jaycar) is a little bulkier than I would like though its still a good fit.

The sketch below, is one I'm envisioning in my head and what I hope prints well tomorrow, though I have my doubts due its size and detail, especially the slight curve on the bottom that may be hard to print.

I have also made the wrist strap using laser cut, where I have panels that will be joined together with rings for a different effect. I suprised myself with how much I liked the look but I also think in the final design a simple metal wrist strap would be nice or even leather for a bit more of a classic look.

I have designed my band so it can be both 3D printed but ideally if this was to go into production, I would want the band/dispaly screen part to be made manufactured with roto-moulding. It's simple, effective and with the way things are looking, it would provide the most fresh look on the outside...so to speak. 

This is also with the assumption that I may be using plastic resins as well...I'm not to please with that, as as designer myself, I sort of dislike the use of plastic in design...though it has a lot of pros and I'm using it.


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